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Cultures and Tour

◎ Yuhang was initially named after Yu the Great who lived about 4,000 years ago, suggesting the area already boasted a budding civilization when the legendary king came to southern China to lead the nation's earliest massive flood control project.

◎ This is a land where culture and history add brilliance to each other, and people gather to create infinite splendor. The Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City testifies the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization. The Great Canal produces a culture that has been passed down for more than two millennium. The Jingshan Culture dating 1000 years enjoys a prestige beyond the nation's border. The industrial platform represented by Future Sci-Tech City embodies the cutting-edge entrepreneurship and innovation spirit. The two World Cultural Heritages and the millenniums' civilization achievements brighten the region and spur its residents to pursue greater successes.

◎Here is an enchanting environment with superb natural endowment and profound cultural legacies. The Greater Jingshan Ecological Area boasts a high forest coverage and enviable ecological foundation. Its collection of lakes, rivers, wetlands and cropland showcases an ideal distribution of rich and diverse resources.

◎At the first sight, Yuhang is a huge scroll of fantastic beauty, and it well deserves an all-around and in-depth exploration.

Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City

⊙The site, built between 3,300 - 2,300 BC, is an important place to experience and understand the "Five thousand years of Chinese civilization". It covers the palace area, the inner city and the outer city, including ten spots, such as the city gate and wall, the archaeological experience area, the fossil river course and workshops, the Mojiaoshan Palace, the Fanshan Royal Cemetery, and the Ruins of the West City wall.

Liangzhu Museum (AAAA)

⊙Through three theme exhibition halls, which focus respectively on the area’s water-rich terrain, status in Chinese civilization and distinctive jade culture, the museum offers a close, comprehensive and three-dimensional presentation of the achievements and heritage values of the archaeological site and its distinctive culture. At the same time, Liangzhu Museum is also a national demonstration base for patriotism education.

Jingshan Scenic Area (AAAA)

⊙Located in the core region of Greater Jingshan National Country Park, Jingshan Scenic Area is a typical rustic leisure destination, boasting such cultural and historical highlights as relics of the Spring of Lu Yu where the Tang Dynasty Saint of Tea lived in seclusion and wrote Tea Classics, Huacheng Temple where the cut block print of Jingshan Buddhist Scripture was published, Jingshan Temple, Jingshan Old Trail, Jingshan Tea Mountain, and Jingshan Bamboo Forest. Founded in the Tang Dynasty and once rated as the top of the Buddhist “five shrines and ten temples in Southeastern China”, Wanshou (longevity) Temple is the patriarchal temple of Linji Buddhist sect of Japan and the source of Japanese tea ceremony. The area has also given birth to the famed Jingshan Tea Banquet, now a national intangible cultural heritage. To taste Zen tea at a local star tea teahouse offers an unparalleled experience. In addition, there are a host of 3A level scenic sites, where the visitor can have a pleasant leisure time by sampling farm meals and staying in one of the characteristic B&Bs.

Shuangxi (Double Creeks) Bamboo Forest Rafting (AAAA)

⊙With fresh air and gurgling springs, the scenic attraction is blessed with a forest coverage of 91.9%. Composed of bamboo rafting and skin rafting of "the Jiangnan’s first rafting" and the Shuangxi Paradise, it is known for integration of “clear water, thick bamboo growth and a large drop height” and “tea culture,bamboo culture, religious culture and farming culture”. Visitors can enjoy barbecue, tea and country food excepting rafting.

Shangougou Scenic Area (AAAA)

⊙Composed of Tangkeng valley, Maotang ancient village and Caihong valley, the Shangougou (gully) features overlapping green peaks, a 95% vegetation coverage, cascading waterfalls, grotesque rocks and spectacular rainbows.

Dream Town (AAAA)

⊙As one of the first characteristic towns in Zhejiang and a national Internet innovation and entrepreneurship highland, the town has been listed among the 10 characteristic towns recommended nationwide by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development. Inside the town, tourists and makers, backed by the perfect urban supporting facilities, can pursue their entrepreneurship worry-free, and outside, they can indulge themselves in a most idyllic environment. At present, WeiLaiMengXiangHui (Future Dreams) has opened. Designed in the trendy container port style and integrating food, entertainment, cultural creation and sci-tech, the night market is now a must-visit spot for Internet celebrities.

Town of Designers (AAA)

⊙With its name inspired by a writing from Shen Kuo, a famous Northern Song statesman and scientist, Town of Designers is a provincial-level characteristic town and keeps the title of the China's first industrial design town. The picturesque maker space boasts cultural relics of ancient celebrities as Du Fu, Xun Zi and Shen Kuo, whom are expected to be inspirational for the designers and creators.

Zhuyi Baizhang Scenic Area (AAA)

⊙A “National Town of Environment” and a “Zhejiang Bamboo Township”, Zhuyi Baizhang features a terrain tilting from northwest to southeast. The strategically positioned ancient Dusong Pass in bamboo forest commanding the border of Baizhang Town and Anji County offers a breathtaking view.

Artificial Intelligence Town (AAA)

⊙The core area of West Hangzhou Innovation Sci-tech Corridor, a key project in Zhejiang’s 13th Five-year Plan for science and technology innovation, AI Town bases itself on such advantages as the talent, industry and capital of the Corridor as well as platform advantages of Zhejiang University, Alibaba Group, Overseas Talent Innovation Park, Dream Town and others, strives to gather high-end elements in AI field, and poises to be another future “tipping point” and “new landmark” in the Sci-tech Corridor following Overseas Talent Innovation Park and Dream Town.

Jiangnan Mancun (AAA)

⊙With the theme of “slow life and slow culture”, Jiangnan Mancun (slow village) is a suburban leisure tourism destination integrating rustic experience, wellness vacation, health sports, ecological sightseeing, fruit picking, wedding photography and other functions.

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